Estate Planning and iht
We can advise you how to structure your property, will and affairs to ensure your estate passes to your chosen beneficiaries in the most tax-efficient way.
There are a number of key documents that together build a clear picture of your current circumstances.
Principal documents within an estate plan often include:
A lasting power of attorney
A list of all assets and liabilities
Deeds of any trusts created
Life policies
Pension Death Benefit Nomination forms
Records of any gifts made
Key parts of an estate plan are your objectives and preferences. They could include details of whom you wish to benefit from your estate and when you would like this to take place. With inheritance tax at 40%, many clients are concerned about the amount of tax their estate may have to pay.
Once you have an accurate record of your estate and clearly defined your objectives, the final part of an estate plan is to put it into place.
An estate plan may involve helping you invest in assets that are exempt from Inheritance Tax, creating a trust for loved ones, putting a gifting strategy in place, or simply helping to structure your wealth in a tax efficient manner.
We can help you to identify estate planning opportunities. If you would like more information, please get in touch for an informal discussion.